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8 Natural Skin Hydration Tips for Fall

October 09, 2024

8 Natural Skin Hydration Tips for Fall

The nights are growing cooler, and the days will follow shortly. Leaves are turning brown and pumpkin-spiced everything is hitting the shelves. It’s almost officially autumn, and that means it’s time to change your natural skincare routine. 

When it’s cool and dry outside, you want to focus on hydration as the key to healthy skin. Think of moisture as the magical elixir that keeps itchy, flaky, rough skin at bay as the cold winds start to blow. 

Below are some of our favorite natural and healthy skin hydration tips for fall. Pour yourself a pumpkin-spiced latte—we won’t judge—and read on to discover how to keep your skin smooth and supple during autumn. 

1. Use a hydrating cleanser.

Does the idea of washing your face when it already feels dry and tight stress you out? There may be less oil on your face during the cooler season, but that doesn’t mean you should skimp on the cleansing routine. Dirt, pollutants, and general daily grime need to be cleared away so your beautiful skin underneath can breathe. 

Instead of reaching for your usual summer cleanser, switch to a hydrating cleanser that won’t strip your skin of natural oils. Ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and cocoa are perfect for fall skin cleansing.

Avoid strong cleansers with exfoliating agents. As useful as they are to rid your skin of excess sweat and sunscreen during the summer months, they can be too harsh and drying to continue using in autumn. 

2. Exfoliate less frequently.

If your dry skin is flaky, you might think more exfoliation is the best solution. However, this can leave your skin even drier and less protected than before. 

Unless you have extenuating circumstances, limit your deep exfoliation sessions to once or twice per week during the fall. Opt for gentle exfoliants rather than rough physical scrubs to alleviate irritation as much as possible. When in doubt, lactic acid can be a good choice. 

3. Apply hydrating serums.

Products with hyaluronic acid are wonderful. This intensely hydrating ingredient locks in moisture and leaves your skin feeling plump and soft. Another great ingredient to look for is niacinamide, a form of vitamin B3 vital to your cellular health. 

You can use hydrating serums for extra hydration even if you’re already using a daily moisturizer. Use it right after cleansing your skin before applying your thicker, heavier moisturizer. 

4. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

A great skincare routine avoids stripping your skin of its natural defenses. You can also add beneficial ingredients that give your skin the extra boost it needs to stay healthy and look gorgeous. This second step is where a great fall moisturizer comes in.

Thick, rich hydration products will be your secret weapon if your skin tends to be drier during the autumn. Your best options are products formulated with hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and niacinamide. 

For best results, lather a generous dose of moisturizer on top of your hydrating serum on a freshly cleaned face. You can do this twice a day as part of your morning and nighttime routine. At night, go heavy with hydrating creams. You have no one to impress while you’re sleeping, and your skin will feel gloriously smooth and soft in the morning.

5. Drink plenty of water.

What you put into your body inevitably affects your skin, just as it affects your internal organs, overall health, and mood. This means that you can give your skin an extra boost of hydration by staying hydrated internally.

General guidelines recommend at least eight cups of water daily for most people, but you might do well with a little more or less, depending on your activity level. Take advantage of bottles with daily hydration markings available now; no one will notice you carrying your water to sip all day long. 

6. Avoid hot water.

You’ve just peeled off your blankets for the morning or come home from a chilly evening commute. You’re really looking forward to decompressing in a hot shower for a while.

Unfortunately, hot water exacerbates dry skin, stripping it of its oils and causing irritation. If you’ve noticed your skin drying out after a hot shower, try substituting lukewarm water for at least a portion of your shower. 

7. Protect your skin from the wind.

Wind-chapped skin is dry, red, irritated, and often painful. And despite your best intentions, you will eventually get stuck out in the cold at some point when you’d rather be cozy and warm inside by the fireplace.

For those moments, we recommend keeping some hydration cream, a hat, scarf, and gloves in your car, purse, messenger bag, or fanny pack. Having these items on hand lets you protect your skin from one of the most damaging elements and avoid the unpleasant consequences of going out unprepared. 

8. Try a humidifier.

Does the air inside your house seem to suck the moisture right out of your body? If so, you might need a humidifier. Whole-house humidifiers can be pricey—and often aren’t an option for renters—but portable humidifiers are much more reasonably priced and work great to introduce some moisture back into the air. 

Many people use humidifiers for more than just skincare. They may soothe irritated sinuses, relieve congestion, and make cold and flu season pass at least a little easier. 

Whether you’re going out in the cold every day or are curled up at home under a comfy blanket, we at Abbey St Clare want to make sure you’ve got your skincare routine exactly how you want it to be! You can always contact us with questions, and we’ll help you find the natural skincare product that best fits your needs. Contact us here!

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