If you're looking for quality natural skin care products, consider these tips when you're doing your research. Don't Ignore Company ValuesBrowse the particular company's website until your find any information pertaining to their overall morals and values. Make sure that the organization you're buying these cosmetic products from share your values as much as possible. If you plan on only supporting vegan companies or organizations that are "cruelty-free," be sure that you find that information on their website. You wouldn't want to do business with any company that tests on animals, so make sure your values align before you purchase any products. Know What "Natural" Really MeansNatural skin and body care products should never include synthetic ingredients like artificial colors, artificial fragrances, synthetic dyes, benzoin, parabens, triclosan, or petroleum-based additives. If you are serious about only doing business with natural care product companies, be sure they are keeping all their compounds as close as possible to the original ingredient form. Dig a Little Deeper to Make Sure They Aren't Making False ClaimsSadly, many companies out there will advertise their products as "natural," but it's really just a false claim. These fraudulent companies will claim that their goods are natural in order to attract the good-hearted and natural-buying community, but in reality, they just put the word "natural" on the bottle. Luckily, there are reputable companies out there that offer true natural body care products for hair and skin. It's important to keep in mind that, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, the majority of skin care products take at least six weeks to actually start doing what they're supposed to do. If you aren't seeing results right away, be patient. If you have concerns regarding the effectiveness of the product, contact the company with any and all questions. If you want to learn more about quality natural skin care and hair care products, contact Abbey St. Clare today! |
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As you age, you may notice your eyes show the first signs of time with under-eye bags, dark circles, and crow’s feet. But with a naturally healthy skincare routine, you can fight the signs of premature aging around your eyes and restore your youthful, vibrant skin.
Autumn is here, and winter is coming, but that doesn’t mean you have to endure dry, brittle, frizzy hair until spring. The right strategy and healthful, natural hair care ingredients will help you maintain your bouncy, shiny locks all winter.
First, let’s discuss your winter hair care routine. Then we’ll discuss the products that we recommend for best results.
What do smooth, supple skin, powerful anti-aging, and improved wound healing all share?
They are all benefits of using hyaluronic acid in a natural skin care regimen!
This incredible skin care ingredient can keep you looking young and vibrant even when cold winds, harsh environmental pollutants, and even time leave you feeling dry, cracked, and wrinkled.