The Miracle: Face Firming Concentrate

February 02, 2009

"I want to tell you about 'the miracle': I burned my face pretty badly last week, cooking steaks in very hot butter. It hurt, and one burn was on my eyelid. I kept an icepack on it, but it still hurt every time I took the icepack off. Then, I took a cool shower, letting the cool water bathe it, but it still hurt. When I got out of the shower, I got to looking at the cream (the Face Firming Concentrate). I decided, on a whim, to put it on the burn. After I did, I realized it wasn't hurting any more at all. So, I went on around the house, working and so forth. Then, I looked in the mirror and the burn size had decreased and the redness was lessening. There was a big welt above my eye, and the white part in the middle went away. Now, a week later, you can't tell I was ever burned at all. I've been putting the cream on it twice, sometimes three times, a day. Anyway, the cream healed the burn fast. Thank you." Martha Abadie Hattiesburg, MS

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