Relieve Winter Itch with skin soothing Kettle Soaps!

Value Sets

Sometimes it just doesn’t make any sense to buy things separately. What's a brush without the blush? Or the blush without the brush? That’s like milk without cookies, Batman without Robin,  Bert without Ernie, Holmes without Watson..... you get the idea. Some things just belong together. 

That’s why we have value sets!

Our value sets allow you to buy all the natural beauty products you’ll need for a particular concern all at once, for less than the cost separately. With our Aniba set, you can ensure clear and beautiful skin. With our Lazarus Hair Renewal System you are on your way to volumizing your hair. Our mineral makeup sets bring you the indispensable natural products for a naturally beautiful you.

We encourage you to browse our online store, and if you want the best value for products you use together, consider out our value sets! It just makes "cents."